How many wine glasses do we need?

I was going to call this post ‘How many towels do we need?‘ but I thought the current title is more interesting. And before we go any further, let me just say, we need more wine glasses than towels!

This post is actually about how much ‘stuff’ do we keep on Poseidon. 

We decided stuff is less important than our cruising adventures. Also, at the time of writing this post, we’re not very sociable (coronavirus pandemic) so we are also getting rid of stuff. I don’t think we’ve become ‘minimalists’ but more realistic about what we really need. We are also trying to maximise the storage we have and that’s another blog topic.

BUT, let’s get back to wine glasses!! Obviously they should come in pairs…so as long as we had as a minimum of a couple of each type of glass that would be enough for us. Therefore, two champagne glasses, two white wine glasses, two red wine glasses (but really who cares when it comes to enjoying a fine bottle) a couple of brandy snifters that were my dad’s, some whisky glasses, and then some for cocktails/spirits. Then we sneakily stored some spares in our saloon under bench storage – just in case. 

As for other stuff, we seriously needed to cull. So for towels, two bath/shower towels each, two beach towels each, a few tea towels/hand towels and the like. Two saucepans, one of which is a steamer and the other very small. A large salad bowl, and a casserole dish. Essentially, what I’ve tried to do is have things that have different purposes. I haven’t always achieved this, but it’s my aim. 

We also have spares of important things that go on ‘down below’, but that might need to be another blog too.

Moving onto Poseidon has been very cathartic. What we’ve realised is that stuff has become less important to us as we’ve gotten older. So in summary, I think it all boils down to this idea…take what you want, but use what you take! 

And I certainly intend using all my wine and other glasses.

Cheers, Pam

One Response

  1. It’s like permanent camping. You refine each trip but you quickly realise what is important or essential as opposed to just having it because you fancied it at one time. Love the take what you like but use what you take. Great words to live by!

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